Learn More About Our Construction
Employment Opportunities

Metcon Ltd. is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Connected - Committed - Careers

Now Hiring!

Connect With Metcon's Team

Metcon is looking forward to meeting you and moving your career forward. We are hiring for laborers and flatwork finisher/formwork technicians, rod-busters, equipment operators, and an estimator/sales position. We offer flexible hours, benefits to improve life outside of Metcon, and we focus on providing a family culture to retain our employees.

Committed to You

We are committed are to individuals growing through our customized training programs. We take a personal interest in inspiring you to take the next step in the advancement of your career. Metcon continuously dedicates resources to the advancement of leadership skills for our managers. These skills will increase a manager's self-awareness and assist them in learning how to consciously choose how they want to lead in the future. Recently, Aileron (Tipp City, OH) provided Conscious Leadership Training for Metcon managers to meet this need. Our commitment to leadership training goes beyond Metcon and you as an individual but extends to your family and community.

Maintaining employee safety continues to be Metcon's top priority. We value each member of our team. We strive to protect them through safety programs on-site and offering a variety of health care benefits.

To apply for Open Positions at Metcon Ltd.

Click on the Link Below

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